Today we made one of the hardest decisions we've had to make in a long time, the decision to help Patrick cross the Rainbow Bridge. He is still here with us, but he has told us in his own way, that it is the right time. Our new vet will be making a house call to see him tomorrow morning.
He may have had another stroke on Sunday. We awoke to find him missing again, only this time he wasn’t waiting for breakfast. He was hiding under some furniture, near one of his old favorite napping spots. He can barely walk lately, but all of a sudden, he now has an urge to get into bed with us. He spent last night in bed. That was the first time he has done that in over a month. It gives me false hope for something I know in my heart will not happen. He is not going to return to be the big, alpha cat that has lived with us for the last nine years. I have to accept it.
I have to continue to remind myself that he needs us to do what is best for him. I have become very selfish and want to keep him around for as long as I can, but I know he isn’t happy. He is a strong cat and I want him to keep his dignity. It is my responsibility to make sure he doesn’t lose it. If nothing else, I owe him that.
I love you so much Patrick. I hope that I am not a coward tomorrow.
Saturday at home
1 day ago
I is so sad for you, you is doing teh bestest for Patrick cuz you luvs him so much. *softpaw*
Dear Patrick, You put on a great fight, you and your humans can be proud of it. You were good to let them know it was time to cross the RB, it's the hardest decision for them, to know when, then to let you go. We will be with you all the way, and wish you happy trails on the other side. As Martha Curtis wrote, "Cats come and go without ever leaving." Sweet purrs to you and to your family.
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